Woman's Club Room

Room Setups Available

Please note: The default setup is an empty room (except Quiet Study Rm). You MUST tell us how many tables and chairs you need.

Maximum Capacity


Library Branch

Library of the Chathams

The Woman's Club Room is the second-largest meeting room in the building.  There is an ADA compliant restroom one level below and an elevator to reach that level.  A guest kitchen is available adjacent to this room.  The library has a number of tables and chairs that can be configured in many ways.  Available equipment includes a large screen with overhead projector, laptops, podium with microphone, and video game equipment.

On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 5/11

Mon - 5/12

Tue - 5/13

Wed - 5/14

Thu - 5/15

Fri - 5/16

Sat - 5/17